The Dreaming Studio

Embrace Tradition Reject Modernity: (Object Oriented Programming vs Procedural Programming)

As a programmer, I fell for the trap of OOP being the best way to program. That is until I relearnt how to program in a procedural manner. The problems I cam across when programming with OOP principles was that I usually always ended up with the wrong abstraction so, I usually ended up never finishing a project and thought that I was biologically unable to program. There is only one project that I had really managed to complete, using the Object Oriented Programming Paradigm, and that was a buggy spreadsheet editor and chart display that used the Model View Controller Design Pattern, to stich together, something that was buggy but usable, and did not affect my overall grade dispite the problems with my methodology.

I will conceed, If I am wrong, since my main argument revolves around programming for game development, but object oriented programming seems to have personally made me forget that computers only execute one instruction at a time, also OOP, seems to not acknowledge the importance of the source code presenting each instruction in the correct order, with instructions being in the correct order, it makes thingds much easier to debug. When I was programming in an object oriented way. I would have to figure out which class in the program was causing an error in another class. When getting errors when programming procedurally, I was usually able to easily debug the errors as the error was either caused by a typo or writing the new source code in the incorrect order.

Despite programming in a procedural manner. I still do see a value in using objects, even having object hiearchys. However these objects will be objects that are similar to structs in C. Like object oriented programming, it is possible for these objects to be organised in a bad way. Badly structured data when programming in a procedural manner is likely to lead to frequent cache missed, but what makes Object Oriented Programming worse is that even good abstractions are likely to lead to cache misses, and the code base becomes unsalvagable if the abstraction has been designed badly.

Despite my critiques of object oriented programming. I still will consider reading Design Patterns, as the book has probably has some good information on how to deal with the mess of object oriented programming.


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